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Discovery Design

Discovery is a key component of Nexodus. Enterprise workloads are spread across all manner of networks both managed and unmanaged. Even networks under the same administrative domain typically require manual intervention or approval to enable direct access between workloads. One of this project's goals is for endpoints to not require custom firewall rules or static NAT mappings to have continuous connectivity.

  • Nexodus and, in general, most Wireguard-based projects are leveraging a decade worth of discovery and connectivity mechanisms that evolved out of VOIP and media streaming needs.
  • The general standard protocol for NAT traversal and peer candidate discovery that we plan to follow is laid out in RFC8445 Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal.
  • The goal is to create direct peering between nodes where possible and bounce connections through a relay node where direct connections are not possible. Nexodus should be able to set up direct peering in most cases, even when two endpoints are not ordinarily able to reach each other directly.
                      To Internet

                          |  /------------  Relayed
                      Y:y | /               Address
                      |        |
                      |  TURN  |
                      | Server |
                      |        |
                          | /------------  Server
                   X1':x1'|/               Reflexive
                    +------------+         Address
                    |    NAT     |
                          | /------------  Local
                      X:x |/               Address
                      |        |
                      | Agent  |
                      |        |

Figure 1. Candidate Types

Current and Future Discovery Plans

Warning Current peer discovery is still in an early POC state. All discovery scenarios are subject to change.

Nodes without a firewall and/or NAT device between them (currently supported)

  • Nexodus will peer end nodes directly that share the same reflexive address discovered via a STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) server.
  • This means that when both nodes share the same public or "reflexive address" (as defined in the above figure), Nexodus assumes that other peers are likely to have direct access to one another. Each peer has their stun/reflexive address in the peer listing received from the service.
  • Next, the Nexodus agent will look up the "Local Address" (see Figure 1) of a peer candidate in the peer listing and attempt to probe for connectivity. If this probing succeeds, we consider it a likely candidate match, and both peers set up the connection to one another with a /32 host route and wireguard tunnel.

Nodes with a firewall and/or NAT device between them (currently supported)

             +--------+        |  Relay  |        +--------+
             | STUN   |        |  Server |        | STUN   |
             | Server |        +---------+        | Server |
             +--------+       /           \       +--------+
                             /             \
                            /               \
                           /                 \
                          /                   \
                   +--------+                +--------+
                   |  NAT   |  <- Direct->   |  NAT   |
                   +--------+     Peering    +--------+
                      /                             \
                     /                               \
                 +-------+                       +-------+
                 | Agent | Encrypted Connection  | Agent |
                 |   L   | ====================  |   R   |
                 +-------+                       +-------+

Figure 2. NAT traversal connecting directly via reflexive addresses sockets learned via STUN

  • Discovery of valid sockets is performed via ICE techniques but not an actual protocol implementation. The ICE methodologies originated from IP telephony challenges over a decade ago to solve telephony communication by discovering all possible IP addresses and ports that can be used to establish a connection between the two devices. This enables devices to establish direct, peer-to-peer connections when possible or fallback to using relay servers when direct connections are not possible.
  • Endpoint state is distributed to all peer nodes (except for symmetric NAT nodes that will use a relay hub and spoke mode to reach all other nodes). In order to discover details about a device's address location and relevance to its peers, STUN servers are used. The STUN process looks as follows:

  • A node sends a message to a STUN server once authentication to the service has been completed. This message contains the device's IP address and the port number of the datapath driver interface listening port (currently the Wireguard listening port).

  • The STUN server responds to each device with a message that includes the device's public IP address and port binding on the NAT device (if there is a middlebox present).
  • The node agents then add that information to their join request to the API-server.
  • If the NAT/middleboxes are configured to allow outgoing traffic from the same port that incoming traffic is sent to, the devices can establish a direct connection using the public IP addresses and port numbers they received from the STUN server as distributed through the API-server.
  • Since the setup is just the first step in peer setup, there is constant polling occurring from the agent to detect any middlebox changes in the NAT configuration. Once a change is detected, the peers are once again updated with the new bindings, and connectivity is immediately restored. One example would be flipping from a current network to tethering to a 5G network. The node's public presence, where other nodes in the peer group can reach it, has totally changed and is immediately reconciled by Nexodus.

  • Two endpoints that do not match the initial local address peering, will attempt to peer via the STUN method (see the ICE RFC or the STUN RFC3489 for further details regarding the STUN protocol). A STUN request can be used to open a source UDP port on the NAT device front-ending the endpoint.

  • A STUN server allows nodes to discover their public address, the type of NAT they are behind and the Internet side port associated by the NAT with a particular local port. This information is used to set up a UDP connection between the two peers behind the NAT device.
  • That UDP source port will remain open for some unknown period of time (depending on the NAT device).
  • Next we attempt to match peer candidates with that IP:Port STUN address for the endpoint.
  • All nodes will attach to a relay node running a STUN server and/or terminating wireguard peerings for fallback forwarding in the case a peer candidate match cannot be made. Implementing something more akin to a TURN (Traversal Using Relays around NAT) server would allow nodes behind symmetric NAT to establish direct peering, using the relay more as a proxy than as a direct terminator of sessions.
  • This peering can handle multiple nodes behind a PAT (port address translation) device since there will always be a unique source address assigned in the connection state.
  • How much of the discovery can be done solely by the agents without interaction from the relay node is also something being investigated. Ideally agents can negotiate the bulk of peer candidacy for scaling reasons.

Nodes that still cannot find a match (currently supported)

  • For all nodes that are unable to find a suitable candidate peering (symmetric NAT nodes), we fall back to forwarding traffic through the relay node that needs to be open (UDP 51820) to all endpoints in the organization.
  • (Future work) Eliminating the need to terminate wireguard sessions to the relay node would reduce the attack surface and better adhere to zero trust networking principles. Issue 169

Health checking and proper probing (future work)

  • Current probing is remedial at best. It needs to probe for a likely wireguard pairing and not just general connectivity even though we know the peer is running the agent and presume there is a wireguard port listening.
  • Ideally we probe for a crypto pairing capability.
  • Constant Health checking will be required to enable nodes to flip to different peerings as underlying topological changes occur. For example, if the STUN socket between two peers is no longer available, the two peer nodes should fall back to the relay node to enable continuity in the connection. Vice, versa, if a better peering candidacy returns, the nodes should flip back to direct peering either through the local address or reflexive address (Figure 1).

Who determines peer candidates?

  • Whether the service determines peering matches or provides enough information about peers to the agent to determine proper candidacy is still tbd. Ideally, the service is not in the process outside of peer listing updates allowing the agents to negotiate peering on the fly.