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Code Organization

This document provides an overview of the code organization of Nexodus.


nexd - The Nexodus Agent

The entrypoint for nexd is in cmd/nexd/main.go. There are some additional files under cmd/nexd, but the bulk of the agent code is found under internal/nexodus/.

nexctl - The Nexodus CLI

The entrypoint for nexctl is in cmd/nexctl/main.go. The majority of nexctl's code is found under cmd/nexctl, as well.

If you want to add a new subcommand under nexctl nexd ..., the corresponding code on the nexd side is found in the files following this pattern: internal/nexodus/ctl*.go.

The Nexodus Web UI

All of the code for the Nexodus web UI is found under ui/.


The integration tests are found under integration-tests/. Unit tests are found throughout the code base, typically with _test.go suffixes on the file names.

Common Tasks

This section contains some pointers to where to start looking when making common changes to Nexodus.

Changing the Database Schema

The current database schema is reflected in the data structures found in internal/models/. Changes to the database schema are written as migrations, which are found under internal/database/. Migrations allow changes to the database schema to be performed as part of an upgrade and are executed by the API server when it starts up and recognizes that its database is now out of date.

  1. Write a database migration in internal/database/.
  2. Add or update models in internal/models/.

API Changes

The current API for the production instance of Nexodus can be found at This documentation is automatically generated from the code base.

The handlers for each HTTP method for each resource in the API is defined in internal/routers/routers.go. For example, these lines define the methods for devices, or /api/devices:

        // Devices
        apiGroup.GET("/devices", api.ListDevices)
        apiGroup.GET("/devices/:id", api.GetDevice)
        apiGroup.PATCH("/devices/:id", api.UpdateDevice)
        apiGroup.POST("/devices", api.CreateDevice)
        apiGroup.DELETE("/devices/:id", api.DeleteDevice)

The handlers themselves are defined under internal/handlers. Adding or changing API behavior will be done there.